Friday 28 June 2013

Dithering Daniel

The gardener came to work yesterday. He seemed to be in good shape, so I let him in and gave him his breakfast to get him off to a good start.  The weather was perfect and sunny so I told him to cut the lawns and rake up the leaves on the bricks, but to leave the flower beds as I wanted the mulch to gather again. An hour later I went outside to see what he was up to and he was again on his knees in the flowerbed, scraping out the leaves. "Daniel, what are you doing?" "I'm picking up the leaves, but they keep falling off the tree!" We eventually established that that is what trees do and he should abandon that task as he shouldn't have been doing it in the first place. I think his short-term memory has gone!

I had to go out for a few hours and when I returned, I went to look for him - he had dug a massive hole against the back wall - I thought he was digging a grave for a horse - and had dumped all the leaves that he had raked up into this hole. "Daniel, what are you doing?" "I couldn't find any bags for the leaves, so I'm burying them!" I couldn't even begin to think what to say about that. Anyway, by the end of the day, the lawn was mown and all looked spic and span, so something had been achieved.

I then told him I didn't have his full wage, but he could come back the next day for the balance. That was fine, he said, then he wouldn't spend it all at once (at the off-sales). Today he was back to collect his money. Nothing wrong with his short-term memory today!

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