Sunday 16 June 2013

Birds in the bush

A pair of double-collared sunbirds have been busy nest-building outside my window for the past week. They are creating a veritable palace, securely attached in a fork of the branch and sheltered from rain and wind by a curtain of thick greenery. They are lining the nest with the softest downy pigeon feathers and bits of fluff from our doggies, so the minute little bird that hatches in that nest will be in nestling heaven. I have no idea why they are nesting before winter and hope that all their plans will come to fruition.

The main concern is whether Felix le Chat will raid the nest, as she must surely have noticed the activity. She uses the tree next to the nest as a ladder up to the balcony, from where she leaps up onto the roof of the house to ensure that no pigeons breed successfully up there. Very handy in that respect, but would hate her to catch a little sunbird. Perhaps it would be too small to be of any interest.

There was mayhem in the myrtle yesterday as a flock of grey-headed sparrows vied with Cape bulbuls, a couple of sunbirds and a lone bou-bou shrike for the berries from the same branch. At first I thought they might be attacking a snake in the hedge, but it turned out to be jostling for position.

Outside the kitchen window, the black-headed heron is once again stalking in its own peculiar way, swaying on its stick-like legs while stretching its long neck forward. I have once seen it swallowing a small snake, which I found most revolting. So pleased not to be a heron.

Last night the porcupines were in the driveway after midnight, not digging up bulbs or eating the vegetable scraps I put out, but eating the bird seed and grains that I put out for the pigeons. Seems like their is no end to their voracious appetites and they will eat just about anything. I fear they may go the same way as the baboons eventually, with humans pushing them out of their natural habitat.

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