Friday 17 June 2016

Putting my foot down

My family have always been quite demanding of my assistance in everything domestic, and I have always willingly obliged, but today's request was beyond my limits and I put my foot down with a heavy hand. "Would you please fix the hole in my sock?"
Have they ever seen the holes in my own socks? Have they ever seen me darn my own socks? Does anyone darn a sock still? With the eternal mystery of the missing sock, what are the chances of the darned sock being left behind? It doesn't matter how attached I am to my socks,  when two toes show, the socks must go!
If you thought life was too short to stuff a mushroom, you will appreciate how low on my list clothing repairs are. I am hard pressed to sew on a button! To educate the family I googled 'how to darn a sock' to give a blow-by-blow demonstration of the equipment and skills required for the job. It was fascinating, almost fascinating enough for me to work up a little enthusiasm for the task, and I was only saved from weakening my stance on darning by not having either a darning needle or the requisite darning 'mushroom'!
It was a close call, but I stood my ground.

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