Saturday 11 June 2016

High seas, no camera

Decidedly chilly today, with snowfalls right across the high ground after the first big cold front of winter, followed by icy air sweeping in from the south. An interruption to the power supply in this outpost meant a rude awakening as the generator kicked in and brief disorientation due to surprise was quickly followed by gratitude for a backup.
The bay in front of us remained smooth and unruffled by the storm that brought heavy rain and hail during the night, but on the other side of Cape St Francis it was a different story. Huge swells driven in from the south rolled steadily shoreward, breaking in perfect ranks ridden by keen surfers, and our gentle stroll the other day seemed to have been in another place, such was the change in conditions. The surf at J-Bay must be ideal for the competition - good timing.
I have to say that, for me, rough seas hold a fascination similar to staring into the flames of a campfire - the constantly changing shapes and colours a source of wonderment and visual pleasure, and today's waves would have induced me to add hundreds more photos to my already excessive collection, but no camera was to hand. Perhaps tomorrow.

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