Sunday 26 June 2016

As relevant today as a year ago

This blog was written on this day exactly a year ago. It is even more relevant today, and shows how little progress has been made in persuading the world to think for itself. Fear is still the order of the day, until we decide to give it up.

Amidst the doom and gloom that currently prevails in the world, with the common man having given up the power to decide for himself to a handful of people who are, almost without exception globally, morally and ethically unfit to wield any form of power (not to mention that they are all in truth public servants and should be doing it for free), we should not forget that the majority of the populace remain peace-loving, caring and empathic people, with the capacity to take back the power and redistribute it in a new way between members of communities, for the communities, if they will just dare to think for themselves.
Those who currently run our world rely on fear to divide and rule. If everyone changed their thoughts and saw the world through eyes of love (a much-misused and misinterpreted word), the power (another much-misused and misinterpreted word) would return to the people. The power to become a better example of humanity, not the power to subjugate and destroy.
Think on these things.

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