The boats started roaring past the lighthouse well before dawn, taking advantage of the perfect, mirror-smooth sea to do whatever it is they are doing out there - fishing, crayfishing, who knows? The dawn was slightly warmer than yesterday's 8 degrees, and the hooting of an owl on a nearby roof had me rushing outside to see it. It was perfectly silhouetted against the lightening indigo sky and a planet was just above its head. Of course, the photo is useless, but I will put it in anyway!
A waning moon setting in the West reflected the sunlight brightly and I wondered if the owl had been hunting in the moonlight - with a soft whoo-hoo it swooped down from its perch and passed overhead with huge wings making no sound. Always a special moment.
A walk along the path showed just how flat the sea was, with a dinghy having come into the bay for some hand lining and the clouds made a really pretty reflection. Ten minutes later the scene had changed completely, with a fair breeze ruffling the bay and a choppy surface as far as the horizon. Never underestimate the constantly changing sea!