Thursday 18 December 2014

Winding down

Just went for a brisk walk to the lighthouse. I needed to blow away the cobwebs after a day spent peering at figures on the computer and bits of paper - reconciling accounts is not my favourite pastime, but I think I have got myself quite organised for this year end, or else I have trained my mind not to overreact to seemingly difficult situations. That is the secret - training the mind. Learning to let go of what's actually not real. Perceptions can be changed through taking on a different attitude and it definitely lightens the mood. I really believe that if people were encouraged to follow a path of inward reflection, there would be less need to rely on mood-altering pharmaceuticals. Meditation (simply sitting quietly without thought) should be a subject taught at schools - this would equip young people to cope with the stresses the world presents and which are all a result of incorrect reactions through repetitive responses.

Every day is an opportunity to change your life. It is simply not true that you have to accept what is thrown at you. Strive to see things from a new angle and imagine a different outcome. Our reality is, after all, a product of our thoughts and we have free will to choose those thoughts. No one can impose their thoughts on you unless you allow them to.

Think about that.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like some peace and quiet to collect your thoughts... and if necessary - to change them. One chooses their attitude to any given situation - and one's outlook is determined by that choice. Great post! I agree completely.
