Wednesday 31 December 2014

Blessings and abundance

2015 is nearly upon us. We can say goodbye to 2014, an inauspicious year for humankind. 2015 has a good ring to it and I believe will be a great year for us all. We need only adjust our attitude to events and focus on creating a new world rather than concentrating on what is wrong with the old. Begin each day with the intention to be the best person you can be that day, and end with a brief note of what you had to be grateful for on that day. These two simple actions can lead to amazing results in your life and should not be sneered at.

Believe in yourself and take no notice of what other people expect you to be. We are all sent here to fulfil our own purpose, not to be one of a crowd. Don't be afraid to stand out, to speak up for those who cannot, to extend kindness to all you meet. Turn the other cheek, for it is true that a soft answer turneth away wrath, and the strong are those who can forgive and forget.

Use the gifts you have been given for the greater good of the world. Everyone has talents; some do not believe this and so never find out what they are. If you are one of them, service to others is a talent that will lead to all sorts of good things in your life.

Enjoy the simple things - a flock of birds, the wind rustling the leaves, a stunning sunset. But party as well, as life is for living and for enjoyment - the only provisos being respect for yourself first and then for others.

Blessings and abundance to you all in the year ahead! I leave you with a real hallelujah sunset for reflection.

1 comment:

  1. Great post and advice - and an amazing photo! Wow, did you take it? Gosh, I miss those sunsets!
