Sunday 14 December 2014

Slaving away on a Sunday!

Major maintenance under way now that Robert is home to help! Garden renovations, plank replacement and much varnishing of the house happening. But still a long, long way to go. Seventeen metres of fence needs to be put in between us and the neighbours - there's never been a formal fence and they keep having unwelcome visitors, so I don't want them to come wandering this way!

The removal of the old ivy hedge from another wall by a neighbour has completely altered the nature of my garden in that area. Whereas before it was total shade and a haven for clivias and bromeliads, it now has full sun and is a complete disaster. I am busy moving the bromeliads to another part of the garden, but don't want to uproot the clivias as they just may not flower for a long time afterwards. Still trying to persuade He Who Can Fix Anything to put up shade cloth, but as my plants don't have engines and tyres, that is not a priority, and the leaves are looking more sickly every day.

The good thing is that we are currently getting cooling breezes from the sea as the southwesterly wind is prevailing, making for a really pleasant air temperature and reducing scorch. A passing cold front in the south Atlantic pushed some spectacular swells in over the last few days and we were treated to crashing waves during the night to lull us to sleep! Even the rooster seems to be taking a rest.

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