Tuesday 16 December 2014

Birds' day out

Lo-o-o-o-ng ladies' lunch today. After painting some garden pots and general housework (does it ever end?) it was time to meet the ladies up at Imhoff Farm for a Christmas celebration. It is always time to celebrate something, but today Christmas was chosen. What a diverse and delightful group - from young to old (won't elaborate on who that was) - and a jolly good time was had by all. Copious liquid refreshment accompanied a variety of seafood dishes and no one succumbed to dessert. There was only one thorn among the roses and he was delivering a bottle of port from the wine shop, so was allowed a brief visit. I trailed off home at about 5 to cook supper (an omelette was all I was prepared to rustle up) and relax on the deck in the late afternoon sun. Of course I didn't, but it would have been nice. I feel a blog coming on about the institute of marriage...

Going back to early this morning - a new raptor has entered the neighbourhood; he alighted in the old gum tree as I was taking my weather report photo just before 6am and stayed long enough for me to rush back inside and grab the camera with the zoom lens. I find it extremely difficult to identify birds from the reference books, but I think this may be a juvenile peregrine falcon. It has a red ring on the left leg so is part of a tracking programme and I will be contacting those in charge to have it IDd.  Of course, there are many of you out there who will be able to do it in an instant, and I hope you will leave a comment! I thought at first it was a black sparrowhawk but see that it obviously isn't. I'm interested to know whether peregrines normally stand on one leg!

The flamingos that flew past my window this morning were in the Kom yesterday and I tried to get some shots, but am struggling with the contrast on the settings - these will have to do for the moment!

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