Thursday 30 January 2014

More of this and that

'Twas a bit of a swelterer yesterday over the Peninsula! The water in False Bay has been 22 deg Celsius for a while - something quite unusual I believe the regular swimmers are saying. I wouldn't know, because over here on the Atlantic seaboard the temperature is generally a mediocre 10deg or so and the wetsuited brave are only there for the surf, not the swim.

Our Tai Chi class was a good workout! I had to lead the warm-up for the class, which on such a sultry morning seemed rather unnecessary, but then at least I could control how long it lasted! I charged through it as quickly as I could and then we had bone-strengthening exercises for the rest of the class. These exercises, which can be done anywhere, are so beneficial for circulation as well, and there is one that relaxes the tension in your back and shoulder muscles (such as that which you get from hunching in front of a computer for hours), while also strengthening the spine. We owe it to our bodies to take the best possible care of them before they start to degenerate, and mostly it is much easier than we think. Respect the body and it will respect you.

It was a great night for mosquitoes, wasn't it? I normally wake up in the early hours of the morning and can't get back to sleep, but somehow, last night nothing disturbed me. HWCFA is obsessed with swatting mozzies and won't rest until he has tracked the last one down. It doesn't help that the windows are open. The lights were on, he was standing on the bed flicking a towel at mozzies on the wall and the ceiling, the dogs were on the bed thinking it was time to get up, I was being asked questions about what I was going to do about the mozzies in the well the next day and worst of all, insecticide was being sprayed all around me. But my eyes barely flickered open and my sleep was not disturbed in the slightest. Once the last mozzie was disposed of, I was completely back in dreamland and only woke up with the alarm.

I wonder how a sleep scientist would explain the workings of that?

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