Monday 13 January 2014

Back in the groove - almost

Must be suffering from brain overload or else am currently living such a boring life I can't think of anything to say! Went back to Tai Chi for the first time in about 2 months, because I know if I don't get back into it, lethargy will set in and I will keep finding excuses not to go, which is just plain stupid because I really get a great benefit from it and the people are all lovely. I was pleased to find that I hadn't been relegated to total beginnership and that it all came back to me, although I did overbalance once! Must have been moving too slowly to maintain the momentum on the turn!

While I was overbalancing, a message arrived on my phone to say another book was waiting to be done, so after a weekend off, it was back through to Claremont and a good catch-up with old friends, while collecting something to keep me out of mischief for a good few days. Even the people from the coffee shop remember me from 2 years ago which either means that I made a good impression or was their best customer! They certainly know how to make cappuccino!

When I got back to the car, the foreboding I had when I initially parked had come to fruition. I suspected I could have parked a bit more centrally to the space, but took a chance, and the next parker had made sure that I was unable to open my door by parking slightly to the left, leaving a gap of 6 inches! I had to get in via the passenger door and had a good laugh because I had known it was going to happen. But Tai Chi must have had a good effect, because nothing bothered me today, despite all sorts of minor irritations with other drivers, slow traffic, etc. I just cruised and let it all go. It's a good way to pass a day - taking it easy and not rushing. I did, in fact, get home at exactly the same time as a car that yo-yoed past me all the way from Claremont, which proves that if there is even one red robot, you're never going to get the advantage!

A strange thing - I have been inundated with green flies since before Christmas, swatting about 10 a day on the kitchen window. Tonight, I cleaned, filleted and cooked two fresh fish and not one fly made an appearance. Perhaps this tells us something about what we eat - meat attracts flies and so we should avoid it??

Anyway, enough blathering for now. Got books to read.

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