Friday 10 January 2014

Getting a life back in the day

Having spent two solid months working on 'real' work that brings in an income, as opposed to 'my' work, which involves writing, painting and doing the odd charitable work, it seems that a gap has arrived for me to catch up on life again. And what is the first thing I do? Rush into the kitchen and try out a new recipe! That speaks volumes - I have been just churning out the quickest  meals I can think of at the end of each day, and that has started to pall in the palate area (not a painting palette, or a storage pallet - you see, I can't resist a little spelling lesson - it's always been a bit of an obsession). This is a cherry clafouti, which as far as I can see is a sweet Yorkshire pudding with fruit in it, but the recipe has very little sugar or flour and I used lactose-free milk, so the effects won't be too bad on the digestion! Time will tell.

The seafront is calling me - been quite a while since I took a walk, and I need to scatter the cobwebs from my brain. I heard that some imbecilic people killed 'our' cobra that had taken up residence along the path. It makes me very angry that the first reaction of ignorance is violence and the need to kill, even though the snake was in its own territory and the perpetrators merely by-passers. Unfortunately there is no hoping that they feel any remorse or will have a sleepless night over it. But a new snake will come along, no doubt, and once again allow us to experience nature in the raw to test our ability to co-exist.

I spotted the most interesting thing yesterday - butterflies mating. Here is a series of photos I took. If anyone knows of a lepidopteral society that might be interested in such photos, please let me know.

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