Thursday 23 January 2014

A sick kitty

I was rudely awoken at 2.50am by the beeping of my phone to indicate an incoming message. Naturally I thought it must be important, so I pressed all the right buttons, but couldn't get my eyes to focus at that time of night! By the time I could read the message, I was totally awake. The unsolicited call came from some idiot loan company asking me to apply for a loan. The person who invents the software that intercepts junk phone calls is going to be richer than Bill and Warren together!

I snoozed lightly and tossed and turned until 4am, at which stage I got up to have some water and was told that I was creating a disturbance and was not to return to the room! Men! So I watched the Australian Open, made tea, caught up on FB and Twitter and watched the sunrise. Lucky I'm adaptable.

Yesterday our last little kitty, Felix, was drooping and we realised that she hadn't eaten or had water for a few days, so it was off to the vet - something I am always very conservative about - because she was definitely not her usual hyperactive self. She spends her days chasing pigeons on the roof, so it's very unusual. The vet did an examination and pronounced a high temperature, severe dehydration and possible kidney problems - she would have to have a blood test and go on a drip, after which her fate would be decided.

I took her over the hill to the main surgery and they gave me a cup of tea while they did the blood test. I felt that was an ominous sign. Who gets tea at the vet? No-one else in the waiting room did, and they were there the same amount of time. Anyway, the results were good in that no sign of kidney failure, possibly just an infection, so they would put her on the drip and keep her there until she started eating again. I could just see dollar signs and hear the till go ka-ching! However, my daughter was already going into a decline over the sick cat and I could see she wouldn't take kindly to me having it put down, so there was nothing for it but to sign the paper to say I would pay and leave her there. I haven't heard anything further, which could be either good or bad. Tomorrow will tell.

Tomorrow - hopefully won't start off as early as today, but if it does, I will be watching tennis - Nadal vs Federer. I will be mad if I miss that. Then it's on with the computer work - still slogging, now to pay vet's bills! It's a great life if you don't weaken!

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