Friday 31 January 2014

Fighting with the fridge

I had a very stern conversation (although a little bit one-sided) with my fridge the other day, as I stood in the kitchen, surrounded by cooler boxes filled with odds and sods that seem to accumulate in fridges while we decide what to do with them (should it stay or should it go?). In one hand I held a hairdryer, on its hottest setting, blasting away at the iceberg that had grown on the 'mechanics' of the fridge, in an attempt to melt it before it completely took over the shelf space. The fridge has been doing this for years now, icing up into a big lump which then intermittently defrosts and gathers in a pool of water at the bottom of the fridge before adding to its bulk - who knows where the moisture comes from - and continuing in this cycle.

It's become rather a chore to have to continually sort this problem out, although admittedly it does make for a clean fridge, and I have dreamed for years about getting a new one, despite it not being on its last legs quite yet. I have visions of a matt silver, double-door upright fridge/freezer (self-defrosting, of course), with that thing on the outside that dispenses cold water and racks that don't have rust bursting through the rungs. And so I told my fridge that I was going to go looking for a new fridge this weekend and that I hadn't decided whether I would take it to the dump, where someone would be able to take it home and probably still use it for many years, or whether it would be consigned to a corner of the garage, as a beer fridge.

It seems to have taken the discussion to heart and pulled itself together, as there has been no sign of it growing a new iceberg. Now I feel bad about wanting to replace it! What to do, what to do?

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