Tuesday 7 January 2014

Back in business

Things are looking up! I eventually got through to the fault reporting section for Telkom (turns out it is a company with another name) after holding on for more than 10 minutes, and the gentleman said he could see that it just needed to be re-set, so pressed the button and all was fixed! If only it hadn't taken them 3 days to answer the phone. So I'm back in the land of the living and can batter you with blogs again!

A cloud has lifted since reconnection, indicating how important it is to me (and probably everyone) that we are able to be in instant contact with anybody we wish - I'm sure you all remember those old days when you phoned someone and they were out and the phone just rang and rang and you really wanted to tell them something exciting. Technology has granted us instant gratification in that respect and it really is hard to go back to waiting more than two minutes for an answer.

The downside of being reconnected is that, while writing this, I completely forgot about the cheese sauce doing its rounds in the microwave and I now have a thick bottom layer and thin top layer! This will have to be beaten to a pulp with good old elbow grease and a hand whisk, but I think I can save it. Hold on...

Right, that's sorted - got the heart rate up. Now to throw it over a heap of vegetables, with some cubed, ready-cooked, extremely expensive gammon that we just couldn't find a gap for over Christmas, and into the oven for a quick and easy supper. We have pigged out on meat over the last few weeks (although strangely enough it didn't involve pork) and so are giving it a little bit of a miss for a while.

I'm still slogging away to fund my travels, and was feeling quite stressed about the speech I have to give tomorrow night at Toastmasters, but I spent the afternoon talking to myself and am now ready to go! As always, there will be the speech I have prepared, the speech I actually make and the speech I should have given, but it's all good fun!

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