Thursday 16 January 2014

Burger night at Espresso Dotkom and further adventures

Thought I would take a walk on the wild side and go up the road at night (gasp!) to my favourite local coffee shop, Espresso Dotkom, and sample their Thursday special - burger and steak night - and listen to some excellent laid-back music from a local band. The music was of the Neil Young variety, gentle, low level and almost impossible to tell from the original - the perfect accompaniment to a tasty burger with salad (no bun and no chips - have to look after my body 'cos no-one else is going to and it's the only one I've got!).

The place was full, with an assortment of age groups, children and dogs interspersed, and extra seating was brought from inside to enable everyone to enjoy an evening under the firmament with a one-day-past-full moon rising in the east next to Jupiter and Orion beginning to twinkle overhead. A cappuccino brought a satisfying light meal to an end, and it was only the fact that I had walked up there while it was still light that brought me home at this early hour - I accepted the offer of a lift home rather than walking home in the dark. Not that I'm scared of the dark, but there are unfortunately lurkers, as no doubt elsewhere in the world, and it's always best not to look for trouble if you don't have to.

As I walked to the restaurant, it did occur to me that I could have brought the taser that lies on the hall stand. It's not something I ever think of taking with me when I go out, it's main purpose being to fend off the odd baboon in the kitchen, and I would have had to carry it in my hand because it's too big for my bag. It set me thinking about what the best way to carry a taser would be, and I concluded that the only place to conceal it would be down my pants, which are quite loose, but what if I got the sequence wrong and found that it was 'live' and tasered myself? I'm still not entirely familiar with the safety catch feature. That would be a shocking experience!

But wait! As I sit here writing, I can smell something cooking. Not only cooking - starting to give off an almost burnt smell. I sniff the air to see if it's coming from a neighbour. It's not burnt potato - that often drifts in from next door - it has a slightly sweet aroma. Oh no! Now I remember I put beetroot on to cook before I went out - what a dummy! Lucky I'm sitting at the kitchen counter - it's right before my nose! I can't believe I cooked the whole pot dry! Caught just in the nick of time, I've whipped them out of the pot before they absorb the charred smell and hopefully can salvage it. I fear it's the family trait of leaving appliances on and going out (see Gallivanting with Granny blogs to see who I take after!)

Well, all in all, a successful evening with disaster narrowly averted. Nothing a bit of bicarb won't fix!

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