Thursday 12 June 2014

Beauty blues

This morning it was so cold I couldn't bring myself to put face cream on my face (perhaps that is why it used to be called cold cream?), but by 9am things had warmed up a bit and I attempted to patch up the ravages of time with the expensive French ultra-firming day cream I have been using since time immemorial. I shudder to think what the wrinkles would look like if I hadn't, although you will probably find that one day we will be told that none of these magic potions have any effect anyway and it was all just a dastardly marketing ploy! (Prophetic words, I'm sure.)

This particular cream comes in a tube, and for a while now I have had to bend it to coax what can only be the dregs from the neck of the tube. The cream lasts for nearly a year, which will give an idea of how little you need to use - just a dab. The cold weather has made it a little less willing to make an appearance through the little hole, and I rested the tube against the bathroom shelf and bent it, applying what I thought was light pressure.

Of course, the precious contents snaked out like a jack-in-the-box and landed in the basin - about 3cm, enough to last more than a week! I scooped it up on the end of my finger to make a big blob and held it to the hole of the still squashed tube. As I squeezed the sides to restore its shape, the cream very obediently sucked back into the tube, so I'll be able to pamper myself for a while longer. If it had landed on the floor, I would definitely have used it as body cream so as not to let it completely go to waste. The alternative is, of course, to cut the tube open and scoop it out, but then it will be exposed to the air and harden overnight.

Has anyone invented a tube that can be squeezed until the last drop is out? They will make their fortune!

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