Tuesday 17 June 2014

Be happy

It's becoming increasingly difficult to open a newspaper, magazine, Facebook page or Twitter account without being bombarded by reports of war, economic depression, religious extremism and the deplorable treatment of women and children by the male of the species.  A great deal of this is fear-mongering to serve the agenda of those in power, and the majority of the population accepts what is fed to us despite growing evidence that the truth is mostly twisted.

The use of technology to manipulate photographs and videos has been foremost in spreading false information, and nothing travels faster than bad news on Facebook. It is becoming more and more apparent that a great deal of what is posted is not true, but posts are shared and forwarded and retweeted without investigation into the legitimacy of the story. People are absorbing bad news and not even realising why they are feeling down in the dumps and negative about their lives.

I have decided (once again, as it is sometimes difficult to resist passing on information about the scum of the world) to refrain from sharing the bad, and only sharing the positive and uplifting (but hopefully not ad nauseum), the beautiful and the true heroes. There is currently a viral video of the song, Happy, which has been adapted to each country, starring everyday people, just being happy. It's impossible not to get caught up in the vibe of this video, and I think it would do the world good if everyone started their day by listening to or watching it. I'm going to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ck2PXLuTy8&feature=youtu.be

1 comment:

  1. I am so fed up with scaremongering in the midst of an already scared and scary world.
