Friday 27 June 2014

Are we 'intelligent life'?

I have a number of matters preying on my mind at the moment pertaining to the ills of society, to which it seems that there are just no solutions. Well, there are solutions, but those who need to take action are not capable of doing so. Humankind has sunk to such a low level of regard for fellow beings, human and animal, and particularly for the planet we live on, that it is going to take a massive event, probably in nature, to bring us back to the same 'level' where no one being dominates another. After all, that is what it is currently all about. Making sure that everyone obeys 'you' and 'your beliefs'. Imposing 'your will' on others. And somewhere along the way, all respect for another's life has been thrown out of the window. We certainly live in a very primitive society. We should be ashamed.

It is up to each one of us, individually, to do right to others - simply ensuring that nothing you say or do will harm them. If we are 'intelligent life' (and that is the million-dollar question), how difficult can it be?



  1. Thats what one would assume as intelligent beings, but not all beings think in this manner, not all beings think!

  2. Hear! Hear! Let's start with the humane treatment of animals that become our food! Your voice is touching the Earth, Pam. Thank you!
