Monday 1 July 2013

Pooping peacocks

Having a good old summer south-easter blow today. False Bay is full of white horses and the clouds are draped over the Peninsula mountain chain - Table Mountain has its tablecloth. The wind is icy cold, as if there are icebergs off Cape Point.

Woke up at 3.30 this morning and never went back to sleep. There was a background hum that had been around all day and it seemed to be the only thing I could hear in the small hours of the morning. I was convinced it was Obama's ship that was anchored off the coast nearby that was causing the disturbing vibration and I think the annoyance of that is what kept me awake. I wanted to take a drive up the mountain road to see if it was still there, just to confirm my suspicions, but by 7 o'clock there was no sign of it. Doubtless cruised off to another strategic spot on taxpayers' money. Perhaps Mauritius for a little R & R.

Haven't had much time to look at the tennis lately, although interest has waned since the top seeds have been falling like flies. I wonder if this is going to be a record year for outsiders? Perhaps someone slipped something into the strawberries? There is only one female left with a pronounceable name and she is sure to be knocked out soon. It doesn't have a winning ring to it. Of the men, I'll have to back Ferrer to win, as at least he is Spanish and can fly the flag for Nadal, who is, according to his Facebook page, enjoying a rest at home on the island of Mallorca. I'm sure he'll appreciate some home cooking after eating out in all the fancy restaurants of the world as he follows the tennis tour.

And speaking of eating out...

Had breakfast at Imhoff Farm yesterday under a huge old pine tree. High in the branches perched four proud peacocks. I didn't know they flew so high - quite cumbersome with those long tail feathers - and as one was directly over our table, I knew the inevitable would happen. I looked up in nervous anticipation, calculating the trajectory, and, as if in slow motion, a green blob parted company with the peacock and descended onto the table in front of me. Although lightning is not supposed to strike twice in the same place, sensibility overtook us and we relocated to a new table rather than court disaster. Here is a picture of the culprit and the evidence:

In hindsight, we were lucky it wasn't a hadedah, as they are notorious for coating the walls of the houses as they fly over, and our chances of being hit would have been considerably greater!

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