Wednesday 10 July 2013

Mouse on the loose

We have a mouse in the house! The cat brought in a striped field mouse and let it go and it ran into the toilet where it has been hiding ever since. There is a tiny gap where the plumbing exits (wooden house - you can make alterations at the drop of a hat, but somehow we never bothered with the gap, not expecting a mouse!) and it has now decided to hide in the drywalling. My daughter is worried that it will get into her room and never be seen again, as it munches its way through her wardrobe. I did think about leaving the toilet door open to encourage it to come out, but the remembered the last time the cat brought a mouse in and it ran behind the kitchen cupboards, only to meet an untimely death, judging by the smell a few days later. And of course, a mouse in the food cupboard would cause chaos.

Now I'm thinking of closing the mouse inside the wall and hoping that it will just run down until it reaches a gap at ground level, but then what if it is a stupid mouse and doesn't go in the right direction and thinks it has to chew its way to freedom? Do you think it will smell the biltong in the bar area in the back of the garage? Do mice eat biltong? Will it call its family? What to do, what to do? (Wringing of hands, pacing back and forth.)

Perhaps a piece of bread and some water will entice it out, but there is no chance of catching it - they move like greased lightning. And leaving the cat in there will defeat the whole object of trying to save the mouse.

Any suggestions?

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