Tuesday 16 July 2013

Interesting times

It’s been a strange kind of day. Quiet, no wind, flat sea, low cloud – almost as though the world has breathed in and is waiting to exhale. Time has dragged by, minutes seeming like hours.

Everyone I speak to remarks on how unsettled they feel, that over the last few weeks they have had difficulty relating to people they are normally close to and how they are feeling as if they have almost had a personality change. There is no doubt that everyone is waiting for something.

The next thirty years have been predicted to be the time when mankind enters the Golden Age and it certainly seems, with the current state of the world, that this is long overdue. There are many events happening in the world which point to a change in the way things are done and what is no longer being found acceptable. In places, perpetrators of violence towards their fellow citizens appear to be almost desperate to retain the status quo, while the world in general is questioning their actions more and more, although having no idea how to turn the tide.

Whistleblowers are stepping forward at the risk of their personal safety to let the public know what is occurring in their daily lives without them being aware of it. Inordinate attempts to silence these whistleblowers must beg the question, what are those in power trying to hide from us? Desperate times apparently call for desperate measures.

We are living in interesting times, if unsettling. Let’s keep track of the truth.

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