Saturday 27 July 2013

A spin around the Peninsula

Took a spin around the South Peninsula in the Mini just before sunset today.  It was lovely to see the mountains and wild, tumultuous sea in late afternoon sunlight, as this is not the usual time of day to travel down towards Cape Point. As we rounded the corner above Smitswinkel Bay, a stunning rainbow bent down into the sea in the middle of False Bay, with a backdrop of dark clouds and a smooth sea blown flat by the brisk westerly wind. We didn't pass another car on the road for a good twenty kilometres and there was not a baboon in sight - they must have already been up in the crags at their night shelters.

The Mini pulled up Red Hill without a hiccup, the overheating problems of the old days (I think it's about seven years since I last drove it) a thing of the past. The best feature of a Mini is the cornering - you can practically take a 90 degree corner without slowing down - and the hairpins of Red Hill didn't pose any problem. By the time we descended into Scarborough, the sun had set and a curtain of rain was heading for us from the horizon. It became rather a race against the rain as we belted along the coast road in growing gloom as the cloud moved closer and closer, and we got back into the garage with only moments to spare before the heavens opened.

In the meantime, the breyani that I had simmering on the stove had cooked to perfection (I thought we were just going on a short jaunt) and was only slightly stuck to the bottom of the pot. It was declared to be one of the better meals I have produced in the last 40 years, which I thought was a bit of a cheek considering I had put very little effort into it, but hey ho! compliments are hard to come by! I must admit it was very delicious!

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