Sunday 31 July 2016

Walking the dog

Having a very active puppy is forcing me to walk every day,  no matter what the weather, so this is an added and unexpected benefit along with devoted companionship! The walks will get longer with the sunshine hours, no doubt, and soon I will be able to slink sylph-like into the three pairs of pants I bought that are currently one size too small! Talk about wishful thinking. However, it only requires a little effort and a lot of discipline in the eating department to achieve great results, so I am confident of success.
Today's walk took place under a sky split into two distinct halves, with the lighthouse as the dividing point. Blue sky to the east and a thick cloud bank to the west, as if drawn with a ruler. But no sign of rain as the tip of the frontal system sweeps by.
A bright horizon promises a peep of sun as it sinks from sight.
While walks are on the increase, the painting and writing are on temporary hold as a carpal tunnel release operation on my left wrist is imminent - not great for a left-hander but at the point where my fingers are becoming a bit useless so the plunge will be taken. No matter how careful you are with nutrition, there's not much to prevent the old body from wearing out! I'll be milking the situation to the max in the housework department!

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