Saturday 9 July 2016

Early morning dogs

Three weeks past winter solstice and the early mornings are visibly lighter on cloudless days. Today is such a one,  and I know this because my dogs wake me at 5.30 every morning. This means I am up for the day, as blind Susie has to be carried down the stairs, arthritic Monty needs to be watched in case he rolls down them (there's a safety net now) and 7-month-old Cleo is ready to play. Luckily she is very clever and this involves me throwing the ball down the passage and her bringing it back to my hand, press repeat!
This morning the stars twinkled in a clear sky and I was out there in bare feet. The freezing temperatures of the last few days have gone and we can look forward to a sunny weekend which the dogs will love as it means a day spent sleeping in a warm spot!

They are currently giving me a hard time with their food. After years of eating select dog pellets (nothing cheap), all three now want me to cook for them - sausage and mash, mince and veg and their great favourite, roast chicken.  Expensive prescription dog food - to encourage the older dogs to eat - is not even sniffed at. I may as well set places at the dinner table and tuck serviettes into their collars!
Today I'm going to try a different tack - feed them nothing and leave their pellets out. Tough love.

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