Sunday 3 July 2016

Jostling for position

The suet ball is such a hit with the birds! The first few were consumed at a rate of one per day, putting it in a slightly unaffordable category, but the new source is made of sterner stuff and birds of all sizes have been pecking on the same one for a week, with a good few days left. This means they are working harder for their

food and giving me lots of photo opportunities!
By putting pot plants underneath, the cats' hunting instincts are restricted and so far only one bird has succumbed. It's a pity the sunbirds aren't seedeaters or carnivores, but I prefer to attract them with favoured shrubs than sugar feeders, and have never lacked their presence in all the years.
It's great to see all the birds coexisting - a lesson we could learn, no doubt.

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