Friday 13 November 2015

Trapped by congestion

I'm not a superstitious person, but today was less than satisfactory in almost every respect, and I could put it down to Friday the 13th, but in reality it all hinges, like everything in life, on my reaction to events.
Most of today's dramas revolved around technology: computers, smartphones, slow or no wi-fi (yes, Francois), and the accompanying inability to complete any tasks satisfactorily. The bank did system maintenance on a Friday afternoon, thereby disabling certain vital functions required to pay staff. My portable hard drive, on which I store thousands of photos, movies, documents, etc. kept telling me it was not formatted and did I want to format it now. Thank goodness for a smidgeon of computer savvy. In the end, all was resolved through the best solution to all of life's problems - shut down, pull out the plug, take a walk and reboot. Solved.
The traffic situation in the Deep South is now beyond a joke. Another robot has been installed 100m from the Sun Valley robots to take into account the needs of shoppers who will be accessing the new mall opening shortly. It is currently a three-way stop, causing absolute havoc due in the main to a large number of drivers having no idea whatsoever what it means or inclination to be polite and considerate. The next robot is out of order so a four-way stop; the mind boggles. Traffic is backed up over Ou Kaapse Weg for kilometres and a 10km journey took 2 hours for those unfortunate to have ventured out,
The stop-go at Kalk Bay is set to continue for possibly years according to Marty McFly so that route is hardly an alternative.
I therefore had to remain at home rather than attend my grand-nephew's 4th birthday party, as my better judgment prevailed. Going out into that traffic for anything but a life-and-death situation would have ruptured a blood vessel. So I finished my work, had a cup of tea and talked to the dogs and cats instead, enjoyed the sunset and clouds, and am now settling down to veg out with the Big Bang Theory. Peace is restored and all devices are functional.
I wasn't going to eat cake, anyway.

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