Tuesday 24 November 2015

Blue skies of summer

The southeaster has returned, flattening the sea, clearing away the clouds and making us believe that summer is almost here. The screeching of gulls still drifts in from the bay, where sardines are still shoaling, although judging by the number of throw nets being cast yesterday, the run must be nearly over. I am fortunate enough to have been given two large yellowtail caught in False Bay and have a friendly fish cleaner who is filleting them as I write this - fish on the menu for a while then!
The garden is full of birds despite the best attempts of Mango Kitty to decimate the population, and the baby sunbird has turned out to be a male, with his brilliant iridescent plumage starting to replace the dull baby feathers. The pintailed whydah who so loves to admire his reflection in my window appears to have successfully attracted a mate and we can look forward to an addition to that little family.
The roses are bursting forth, my Shocking Sky having 6 fat buds, promising another spectacular display, while the tiny pink miniature has managed to survive the onslaught of hairy caterpillars that destroyed my parrot plant and is giving a joyous display under the hibiscus.
Mother's favourites, the Inca lily, have multiplied and bloomed like never before, and I can only think that she must be enjoying overseeing my gardening efforts, as everything she gave me over the years is flourishing in her memory.

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