Sunday 15 November 2015

A busy day

We've been through a few seasons today in Cape Town - not unusual for this time of the year. It started with partly cloudy at sunrise with a southwester, deteriorated to a few hours of dark clouds with intermittent heavy downpours from the south, then settled down to blazing sunshine for braai time. It is now a moderate southeaster with accompanying chilly air, but the washing is done and dried, Sunday afternoon tea and scones dispensed and the garden watered.
A pesky mole rat has appeared at the top of the driveway after a long absence, and thrown up such huge heaps of sand that the grass roots are hanging in fresh air, so I watered the soil back down the hole, approximately half a cubic metre I would estimate, and I dare it to push that lot of mud back out! I'm hoping it will get the message and cross under the driveway with no further ado.
Inside the house it's been a day of moving and rearranging half the furniture as various bits and pieces are acquired or disposed of. There's not much scope for a new layout and I always get resistance to any form of change, but I love change. Especially getting rid of stuff. I am having a grand clearout of everything I have had for years and have no use for or attachment to. That's pretty much everything. It's very cathartic to get rid of the old to make way for something new.
All this activity in my fairly sedentary life has taken its toll and I am quite ready to lie back on the couch now. Hopefully someone will bring me a cup of tea!

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