Saturday 21 May 2016

More aerial activity

The twitchers are all a-twitter! Another rare sighting has taken place in Kommetjie, this time a white-fronted bee eater. This bird is endemic to the northern parts of the country and who knows how it found itself here. Dad came out to Kommetjie to see if he could see it, as the sighting was near the lighthouse and quite accessible for him. And blow me over with a feather! He spotted it and he and my sister enjoyed watching it flit about for a while. Pronounced a successful outing and another one to tick off on the list. I read up on this bird and see that they mate for life, so this one is going to be a little lonely unless he brought his wife. Amazing how birds get about.
Another interesting happening at the lighthouse was the sight of a man hanging from the walkway at the top of it, fixing one of the transmitters. It's the first time I've been able to gauge the size of the lighthouse with the aid of a person and I can see that it's pretty tall! A drone was flying round the lighthouse, apparently supervising him! He was sitting in a harness and seemed quite at ease. Two men were sitting on the walkway just above him, no doubt also being supervised by the drone, and the whole lot was overseen by a flock of sacred ibis flying back to their roost on the other side of the bay. Quite a lot of aerial activity today (oops, excuse the pun).
If you can enlarge this you will see the men at the top and the drone on the left.

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