Sunday 8 May 2016

A thunderous welcome to a sad Mother's Day

Well, who ever expected that? Heavy rain in the early hours of the morning, with more lightning than we have experienced in my memory, so close overhead for so long, flashing just outside the window and thunderous noise shaking the house! Poor Cleo has never heard thunder and barked and barked as puppies do. Susie, who has always been terrified of loud noises, cowered under the stove and had to be given a large dose of rescue remedy. Monty has never been bothered by such activity, coming from a secure background, was also shivering with fright, and he has become very old and infirm of late, so also got rescue remedy.
The show was spectacular, the thunder kept us awake for a good hour, tea was made, cats came running in to be towelled off, the whole household was awake.
This morning we woke up to a freshly watered garden, no wind, the prospect of a sunny day and dogs and cats all happy and relaxed again. Monty still in considerable discomfort, so it appears that we will have to get used to the idea of his not being around much longer. A very sad thought indeed after 17 years.
Mother's Day was never special in our household, as it was always Mother's day and we shunned the commercialism. But nevertheless, as Mother is now only here with us in spirit and memory, I will use this occasion to give extra thought to the wonderful childhood she gave us, something that never lessened with the years, and up until the day she died we were still her children, to be loved and fussed over. Rest peacefully as you watch over us, Mom. Your favourite flowers.

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