Monday 9 May 2016

Getting the tools for the job

The ghastly wind of the last week galvanised me into action today. You must by now be well aware of my aversion to housework, but when I feel so inclined, I even wash the windows. They had got to the stage where I could write my grocery list in the grime - salt air, airborne dust and the ever-present ash still blowing in from the mountains after the summer fires does not make for clear viewing, and regular cleaning has always been a waste of time - a hosing down from time to time has sufficed. But now I have to confess I could almost throw a dinner party they look so sparkling. He Who Can Fix Anything will of course either not notice or think I've knocked the glass out. He is not given to compliments.
You will also know that I am a believer in dishwashers. Hand-washed dishes are never hygienically clean, it takes up at least two hours of my valuable time each day and we have had a dishwasher since I was 8. So nothing can convince me otherwise. My trusty servant packed up after 15 years thanks to repairs to a burst water main and the subsequent burst of air, but of course the municipality isn't going to compensate me, so after two attempts to have it fixed - the least said about that, the better - I set off this morning determined to replace it, by hook or by crook. Actually, it was by credit card, and was a no-brainer. I will let you know how I am enjoying it over the weekend, if you care to know.
Hopefully this will free up some time for gadding! I jest. I have many important things to do with my life, and menial housework is not one of them. So machinery and tools must be used to maximum effect. After all, do I insist HWCFA uses a hand drill rather than an electric model, or grinds away with sandpaper when tools are more efficient? Well, any time there is resistance to replacing old machines in my kitchen, yes. Always does the trick.

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