Monday 23 May 2016

Interesting interaction

I have had a long list of things to do that require getting in the car and travelling fair distances building up for a while. When you live in the sticks, you feel obliged to plan your trips for maximum efficiency, but eventually you realise that nothing will dovetail perfectly and you must just make a start.
With my list in hand, I set off to drop off and collect items in Bergvliet, Wynberg, Claremont and central Cape Town,  a collective distance of about 80km return. The interesting part was Wynberg, where I found myself in the thick of the minibus taxis down at the station. I never intended to be there. It's a place to avoid like the plague. I came up behind a taxi blocking the road and was surrounded on all sides by other taxis. No way forward and no way back. I rolled down my window and stuck my head out. "Excuse me," I called to a crowd on the pavement, "is anyone driving that taxi?" How intrepid.
Immediately a young guy broke away from the crowd and climbed in. He pulled one taxi length forward then hung out of the window to continue his conversation with those on the pavement. I waited patiently for a while, then contemplated a tentative toot. The last time I hooted at a taxi, the very large driver climbed out and approached my window in a fairly aggressive way, so I gave it some more thought.
Stroke of luck, a policeman climbs out of the car behind me and shouts, taxi moves on.
He knew I was waiting behind him. It's all a question of culture and outlook on life. We all have different priorities. What matters is how we respond. In this instance, the cop assisted, but I have no doubt that impatience would have been a waste of energy and I would have just sat it out.

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