Friday 29 January 2016

There are ovens and ovens

I have discovered why eye-level ovens were invented. When the oven is at knee level, as was originally invented, no doubt by someone who didn't cook, we are constantly having to bend down to peer inside to see whether the cake has risen or the chops are burnt. While I don't mind a little light exercise, the real problem is that when you open the oven, your head is pretty much in it and the accompanying blast of hot air - sometimes 220 degrees Celsius if I am making pork rashers or suchlike - can curl the straightest fringe, singe off the nearest eyebrow and practically melt the eyeballs. I would liken it to being a firefighter as he approaches a burning building.
I once had a double eye-level oven, which allowed the heat to escape straight up away from my head, and for about 11 years it was balanced on a box waiting for He Who Can Fix Anything to build my kitchen cupboards. The fact that he is HWCFA doesn't mean that he actually makes anything unless he really feels like it. The garage was fully walled, shelved and cupboarded years before I got kitchen cupboards, but I still produced some noteworthy meals, which proves that cupboards are not essential for cooking. I think we were into our thirteenth year in the house, when I phoned a friend of his whose business was built-in kitchens and within two weeks I had everything I wanted and HWCFA got the bill. It was the only way.
So back to the oven. I had by then begun working at a bakery of note and had absolutely no need for a second oven, as there was no baking going on anymore - everything came straight from the factory - and so I got a small undercounter oven with a gas hob. What a marvellous thing a gas hob is! However, the little oven has been a major irritation, being barely able to take a roasting pan and another dish at the same time. It involves balancing one on the other in all sorts of configurations as long as they are dishes of less than 25cm.
How I long for my eye-level double oven, even if I just store the roasting pan in the small one!

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