Sunday 24 January 2016

Another Funday in the garage

Oh, joy! A fun-filled family day in the garage, helping He Who Can Fix Anything (when he feels like it) put the Ford back together for the new racing season. Being what he is, the whole engine and gearbox was removed during his holiday, stripped down to nothing, cleaned, painted and reassembled. Just in case there might be something wrong, but actually because he likes to do it.
We steer clear of the area as much as possible, but there are times when he needs a helping hand or three and so we reluctantly drag ourselves downstairs and await instructions. These have to be in words of one syllable and very specific, just in case we turn a nut the wrong way or let the jack down when he is under the car. You can imagine how much we look forward to these bonding sessions.
Today was the day to put back the engine and gearbox, using a new idea of lifting the car up and sliding the entire assembly underneath then lifting it with the hydraulic hoist - theoretically taking a few minutes rather than an hour or two. My job was to man the hoist - my added weight was required for ballast rather like the concrete blocks on the back of a crane - and pump it up or release it on command. It is one of my favourite pieces of equipment in the garage, requiring absolutely no brute strength to achieve amazing feats.
Not for nothing is his nickname Richter, and the air was blue with language that would have made a pirate's parrot fall from its perch - another reason why we tend to keep a wide berth of garage activities. His creativity and the size of his vocabulary is to be marvelled at, although we despair of his double standards when he hears the F-word on the TV and changes the channel!
Finally all was bolted into place - and we bolted for the kitchen and couch respectively while Richter pottered on happily in his man-cavern below, doing what he loves best.

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