Saturday 2 January 2016

Idling on an idyllic day

A relatively cool spring has given way to sultry summer days and balmy summer nights (Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta;s duet from Grease (1979) will be instantly recalled by those of a certain age!) where standing under the stars at midnight is preferable to being confined inside a house. Even a cool shower doesn't prevent an almost instant return to clamminess, a most revolting state in my opinion, and the drift of air off the sea is the ideal antidote for this. I have given some thought to sleeping under the stars on the deck - it's perfectly safe with no stair access and the only things that can climb up are the cats via some very slender twigs. But this is Cape Town and it would be Murphy's Law that the weather would turn in the middle of the night and a fog would roll in or even a little thundershower. Still tempting, though.
The afternoon was spent in convivial company round a table groaning with delectable delights - a seafood salad of red stumpnose and langoustines in a luscious dressing, Norwegian salmon lightly barbecued to perfection, succulent steaks for the red meat lovers and boerewors for the traditional. All accompanied by fabulous live music from the talented company, ample liquid refreshment in true South African tradition, and plenty of fully-clothed dive-bombing in the pool. All under a soaring deep blue sky - the thing that we miss the most when travelling abroad - that wide open space that is Home.
The party is probably still in full swing. I am relaxing on the deck in quiet contemplation, waiting for sunset. It is always best to go home when you feel you want to stay just a little bit longer.

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