Friday 22 January 2016

Just saying, again

Facebook has rapidly become a platform for the spread of propaganda, misinformation, basic lies and untruths, where trolls can freely vent their vitriol, hate speech and chain posts exhorting you to type amen underneath a picture of some horrendously deformed baby or suffer bad luck for the rest of your life. Political parties pursue their own agendas through fake identities posting inflammatory comments intended to sow dissent and fear among the population - and unbelievably successfully, with people working themselves up into frothing rages over a sentence written by someone they don't know and who probably doesn't exist. And yet those who dare to suggest that the world is run by a handful of people who have for centuries manipulated the media, lied to us to control us, poisoned our food and water, forced unhealthy eating habits on us to enslave us to the pharmaceutical industry, used financial systems to enslave us to debt and advertising to make us dissatisfied with our lot in life are labelled cranks and conspiracy theorists.
If we just went about our daily lives, spreading a little kindness to all and sundry and treating our planet and all its inhabitants well, all of the above would have no hold over us and become the meaningless nonsense that it is.

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