Tuesday 5 May 2015

May showers

This weather is just what the doctor ordered! What more could we ask than gentle, soaking rain without any wind whatsoever to soothe and restore the devastated slopes of the South Peninsula. The fast-growing, shallow-rooted vegetation is getting the chance to send out new roots to anchor the soil before the heavier rains of winter, resulting in a good chance of minimal landslides while the larger shrubs and bushes establish deep root systems.
At home, I don't have to water any more, as the suddenly cooler temperatures mean that a heavy dew overnight is sufficient to moisten the soil without drying out in the daytime. The crisp lawn has softened into speckles of green and a good feeding will soon produce an even texture. I haven't mown the lawn since February as there has been no growth whatsoever.
The birds are just loving it, twittering in the undergrowth and flitting from treetop to treetop. They puff their feathers out to shake off the dust accumulated during the hot summer months - this is why they all appear out of nowhere as soon as you point a hosepipe into the air, or flock around the smallest birdbath.
The temperature is now in the mid-teens and we'll soon be wrapped up in winter woollies and complaining about the cold! Such is life!

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