Thursday 19 December 2013

Slogging (not blogging)

As everyone winds down for the Christmas holidays, it seems that I am getting busier and busier. I have now been glued to my computer since the beginning of November and I am scheduled to stay there until the 8th of January, when everyone will be going back to work. Something is not right here!

I have had so little happening in my life that for the last few days I haven't had anything to write about. Today, plenty happened, or rather, didn't happen:

The washing machine wouldn't pump the water out. This means sodden washing on the line and despite a galeforce southeaster blasting us from one end of the garden to the other, it hasn't dried yet. HWCFA will have to wear same pants tomorrow.

The remote for the gate doesn't want to work, and when I replaced the battery, the whole thing fell apart.
K has lost her remote, so that leaves only one between the three of us - something's not going to work out here.

The internet connection went on the blink while I was waiting for very important documents. Managed to sort it out, but still waiting for documents. Man has gone on honeymoon - how inconsiderate!

Both garden hoses have developed severe leaks and will need to be replaced. Meanwhile, garden drooping and dying due to lack of time to water and aforementioned galeforce southeaster. Garden man berates me for not watering my garden enough - says I must get compost and he will sort it all out. Doesn't realise galeforce southeaster blows all compost into neighbour's spare plot.

No time to put up Christmas tree so far. Will have to rely on kindness of others.

Need to shop a bit. Perhaps on Monday? Aaarrgghh!

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