Wednesday 11 December 2013

Reflecting on the world

As the world dissects the successes and failures, highlights and low points of the memorial service for Nelson Mandela, it is perhaps worth reflecting on whether we all set expectations for others that are culturally removed from ours. There will always be shortcomings in the performance of those who haven't grown up in circumstances equal to ours, just as we may prove to be a disappointment to those who have aspired to the trappings of Western culture, yet not having an understanding of the way it works. Traditions and beliefs divide mankind, not the colour of our skin. We have only to observe what is happening all over the world. Religious fanatics kill each other, believing that their's is the only true way. In some parts of the world, gay people are persecuted and judged by people who have no knowledge except for what someone else has taught them. The world is held hostage to debt through financial manipulation while the media teach us to admire the rich, the thin, the beautiful, rather than look for the inner beauty of real people.

The word that is the villain here is 'domination'. Mandela fought against domination by any group over another, and was sent to this world to teach us how to treat our fellow man. Very few have listened to him, although everyone says he was the man they admired most in the world for his humane qualities and ability to forgive. The only way in which his memory could be suitably honoured would be if everyone adopted his philosophy. Why admire someone whose example you are not prepared to follow? There have been others before him who taught that we could all be like him. All it takes is the decision to do it and never deviate from your resolve. Anything less will be an insult to your existence.

Madiba was a very old soul, as evidenced by his level of enlightenment. Honour him with your actions.
Stairway to heaven? 11.12.13

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