Tuesday 24 December 2013

Christmas Eve dinner is a thing of the past

Another Christmas dinner down the hatch! Cook for hours and eat in half an hour! This year was easier, as I only did a gammon, which required no attention, and a fillet in the oven which only took 20 minutes. The potato bake and glazed pumpkin took care of itself prior to the fillet, and a quick cheese sauce for the spinach and pepper sauce for the steak completed the ensemble, with good old shop-bought apple sauce as always. There are some things that aren't improved by home cooking.

The dishwasher is packed and relaxing outside on the deck is now in order, with a slice of red velvet cheesecake and booysenberries picked fresh from the farm.

An early night will be welcome, as tomorrow will involve endless conversation, something that is always more exhausting than an afternoon bent over a hot stove. It's always good to have a large family gathering but in our family we all like to talk together and preferably involve ourselves in multiple conversations at the same time. We also like to listen to more than one conversation at a time if at all possible. So things can become quite chaotic. The test of acceptability for any proposed new entrant to the family is to see if they can survive such a gathering. They then know how bad it can get and that anything else will be far easier to handle! I make it sound quite horrendous, but in actual fact, we all have a jolly good time. HWCFA retreated to his garage many years ago, unable to cope with the decibels, although he himself is not without fault in that regard!

I'm sure that many of you are busy with Christmas Eve dinner right now and are also looking forward to a family gathering tomorrow to eat the leftovers and relax in the shade of a leafy tree. Enjoy it! Another year is nearly over and those new year's resolutions are waiting just around the corner...

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