Sunday 24 April 2016

Graduation day for Cleo!

Cleo Puppy graduated from Puppy School today. She must have been nervous, as she sicked up her breakfast in the car. She loved the sociability of puppy classes, where she got to play unleashed with doggies of a similar age and size, and it has enabled her to be completely relaxed with all sizes and types of dog, with no aggression or lack of confidence evident in her demeanour. Official photos will follow!
She so enjoyed the different 'cross-country' courses and never hesitated to try something new. She loves to stand on my rebounder when I jump on it and appears to enjoy the movement. Quite skilled on a skateboard too! There are some areas where she has a lot to learn, and this involves chasing Mango and Biggles and stealing biscuits from Monty and Susie. Somehow I don't think these pastimes are going to be relinquished lightly.
Ball chasing, mad dashing around the garden and frantic hole digging ensure that she gets plenty of exercise, and one day when I am totally confident that she will return to me without hesitation, a run in a big field or perhaps a beach will be the ultimate joy for her. Her border collie heritage makes for phenomenal speed and a bright intelligence, which is a delight when playing ball as she drops it at my feet. The toy pom (definitely there!) means she is a loving companion, always close by me. The terrier keeps her chasing the cats and digging. What a mixture - a sociable, good-natured, playful and useful watchdog, ready to take over from the older dogs when their days are done.
An absolute treasure and delight!

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