Monday 18 April 2016

Autumn idyll

Autumn sunshine warmed my back as I wandered along the bayside path, keeping a wary eye out for danger. Not the human kind - the reptilian variety (which could lead off in a different direction), and especially puffadders and cobras. These two well-known snakes have put in an appearance more often than we would like at present, with snake-catchers kept busy almost on a daily basis. Sightings along the path are more worrisome, as our dogs are likely to be quite adventurous in sniffing out any lurker in the rockeries or under the boardwalk.
But no slitherers were seen, only flocks of black and yellow butterflies, newly hatched from whence they come (that lets me off the hook, doesn't it?), fluttering about a foot above the ground and providing endless fun for little Cleo who I gave a free rein to test her obedience while there were no other distractions. I'm pleased to report that she made no attempt to run off and was fascinated by the little flutterers that she didn't actually want to catch.
A completely smooth bay belied the 6-ft break at Inner Kom and behind the island, and the water was an icy crystal clear, lapping gently on the tiny beach at the head of the bay, and swirling subtly over the rocks that form a natural barrier against erosion of the land lining this magical place.

Suddenly a commotion of gulls erupted over the water as they fought over a shoal of small fish that had come into the bay, and two herons were quick to glide in to join the melee. An oystercatcher called out as it flew off towards the lighthouse, not interested in that particular party.
We continued along the path, Cleo snapping lightheartedly at more butterflies and no snakes in sight. An autumnal idyll.

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