Friday 15 April 2016

A bad few days of time mismanagement

I doubt whether I have had a more overwhelmingly stressful week, and I know many others who feel the same. It's been a case of everything that could go wrong, has. Or, Stop the world, I want to get off!
It's mainly related to things beyond our control: the internet working sporadically, banking websites and government departments apparently not fully up and running when you need to get information, people not replying to emails, cellphones turning themselves off and batteries mysteriously running down when you are far from a charger. These things have been invented to try us and test the patience of a saint. Technology is a wonder when it works, but you will see a person's true character when the wi-fi doesn't work!
Yesterday there was a burst water pipe in the area and this caused most households to be either out of water or have reduced pressure. We were among the lucky ones, and having successfully showered and rinsed the shampoo out of my hair, I reckoned it was safe to put the dishwasher on before going off to town on some errands.
The day turned out to be full of fun, and then I got back home. The dishwasher was still churning on and on without finishing its cycle, so I turned it off, but it didn't. Eventually I had to turn it off at the plug, put through an emergency call to the technician (there is one machine I cannot live without) and spent  a good while handwashing the dishes.
In the meantime, some unexpected work had come in, so from having a day off, I was suddenly way behind with everything. It was downhill from there. One crisis followed another, with all sorts of unscheduled happenings, and watering of the garden was one casualty of my lack of time management.
Today, the technician came to fix the dishwasher - a man whose work I absolutely trust as he has been fixing minor mishaps here for 30 years and more - and it was working when he left. A few hours later, I walked past the machine and it switched itself on. But was in the same state as before he fixed it. Here's a weekend of washing dishes. Except I won't be home.
The cream was off, the meat smells strange, the naartjies are sour and the cats have ticks.
A fabulous flamboyance of flamingos flew by, but I wasn't in the right place for an unobstructed view.
The weather is magnificent - I should be watching the sunset down at the rocks.
Perhaps we can fast forward to a new week.

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