Friday 1 April 2016

April showers

And so into April. Gentle rain, sunshine, a sudden cloudburst, more sunshine. So many different types of clouds over Cape Town, as if to offer us every variety for our enjoyment. Fifty shades of green as the rain restores the dessicated vegetation of last summer. Reaching for winter clothes, then casting them off for a complete change, only to put them all back on a few hours later.
Flamingos returned to the Kom today for the first time in weeks, sensing a return to normality as beachgoers abandon the area to allow them to feed undisturbed in the shallows. The swallows have most likely left.
April Fool's Day passed with the usual assortment of leg-pullers around the world. One wonders how much longer this event will last, with so many incidences of false information in circulation every day that we are all becoming immune to the impact of tall tales. Yet blatantly photoshopped pictures of the moon are passed around in awe and exclamations of wonder, so perhaps April Fool's will continue for many years to come.
It's chilly now and I have a book to read. As Mother would always end her daily journal:
"And so to bed."

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