Friday 26 February 2016


I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky, and all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by. Still looking for the tall ship.
It's been a while since I took regular walks down to the lighthouse, as I let life pass by in mistaken conventionality, but I have broken with the tradition of always being in the kitchen at sundown and am taking Cleo for walks as the sun casts its last rays on the ocean and rocky shore. Such a sensible thing to do! She is walking very nicely in her harness and has been very sociable with all the dogs she has met along the way, but this evening a large French poodle barked playfully in her face and she is no longer sure she likes such tall dogs!
Puppy classes start on Sunday and I suspect they are more for the owner than the puppy. Let's see how quickly I learn! I really hope to cure her of chewing on my hands as I currently look like I've been through razor wire, and anyone who is on Warfarin had better give her a wide berth. I've been told to give her half her breakfast so she is eager for treats, but as a rescue doggie, there just is no such thing as never being ready for food! She literally vacuums up whatever she sees, and is particularly partial to mushroom compost and other vegetable matter, sampling nearly every plant in the garden and eagerly devouring the coprosma and milkwood berries with some startling results a little later in the day. I have read up on what's poisonous and hope she never finds the oleander in the far corner.

It was balmy and just too magnificent down at the rocks this evening and I took so many photos but will only post one here. Cleo sat perfectly still while I sat on the bench and seemed quite content to watch the sunset with me. I'm sure I'll have many years of devoted companionship from her.

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