Friday 19 February 2016

On a lighter note...

Cleo continues to grow apace. We have no idea what she will grow up to be, so for the moment she is a borderline collie with a touch of toy pom but maybe something else as well. She has a mouth full of teeth like razors and chews on everything in sight, mainly fingers and poor old Monty's tail and undercarriage - a painful experience as you can well imagine. I have taken to carrying the antibacterial spray with me as I suffer frequent puncture wounds from retrieving disallowed items or just brushing my finger against a tooth and the incisions are at least a millimetre deep. I don't encourage babies or small children to be near her!

She can now jump up onto the couch and the bed so there is no escape for the other dogs, whose refuge was height, and so a good deal of the day is spent trying to discipline her. Not what I am good at, so I fear it will be puppy school one of these days. The last hurdle is the stairs - she can come up them, but can't go down, but once that has been overcome I can see I will be spending a lot of time chasing around the garden trying to separate the dogs. Her legs get longer every day and her fur is starting to curl. Her jaw has a grip like a vice and she runs like the wind.
Sounds like a good dog all round!

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