Tuesday 23 February 2016

Spectacular late summer's day

A gentle touch of autumn crept over the Peninsula today. That subtle change in the light; the swing in wind direction to the south, bringing the suggestion of an Antarctic chill on the breeze. Gannets flocked over the sea, while oyster catchers flew in fits and starts from rocky perch to rocky perch, as we strolled along the boardwalk to the lighthouse in a midday sun that even mad dogs and Englishmen would have enjoyed. Well, we didn't encounter any of those, just a fair number of German tourists, who seem quite sensibly to enjoy this time of year the most for a holiday in Cape Town, and nobody had their dogs with them at that time.
The sea takes on a particular glossy pale blue colour at the time of the year and as the breakers fold over they turn palest peppermint green, a true reflection of the icy temperatures - probably around 10 degrees at present. Colourful fishing boats chugged by, just too far out of the camera lens's reach, reminding me of those beautiful watercolours of Guy Todd that featured these boats back in the 70s. How I wish I had made a small collection of those - as a school kid, pocket money didn't stretch to buying paintings!
This evening the setting sun caught on high clouds wisping overhead and reflected their stunning glow on the mountains - again, something to be appreciated in real life rather than through the camera, and a day never goes by that I am not grateful for living in this tiny corner of paradise.

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