Wednesday 27 November 2013

Decisions, decisions

There is a black bag behind my front door, between it and the couch, and I think it may have been there for six months now, maybe more. Time does fly.

It started its life in the spare room of someone else's home and found its way here en route to a better home for its contents, perhaps nine months ago.. First it was concealed (or was it dumped?) behind a large chair in the corner, where nobody would ever have spotted it unless they moved in with a vacuum cleaner to do housework that actually involved moving the furniture. So it remained there for some time, and occasionally I would look inside it and wonder what I was going to do with it. Who would want the contents?

Months later, the lounge furniture was rearranged and the black bag moved closer to the front door, to continue its journey to a better place for the contents. It must be quite inconspicuous, as He Who Can Fix Anything has never mentioned it, and he is not one who would lightly accept such an eyesore at the entrance to his home. This can only be attributed to his always insisting on leaving the door open 'for fresh air' even on the coldest of days, and so he has never seen it.

I must move it out before Christmas. It will be pushing my luck to think he won't see it as he manhandles the Christmas tree through the door after issuing instructions for the furniture to be rearranged!

But I still don't know where to take it to. If only I could make a decision. The contents (I've just had another look to refresh my memory!) are an odd assortment of ties (yes, neck ties), a computer joystick, binders, a laptop case, a blow-up plastic hat in the colours of The Netherlands and a do-it-yourself model of a racing car.

I bet you also don't know what you would do with it!

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